Classic Song Analysis: “Like a Rolling Stone” (Dylan)

As is typical for many of Dylan’s most popular songs, the formal plan is a very simple verse-chorus design, starting with a short vamp-style intro, and featuring short connecting transitions between the end of each chorus and the start of the next verse. The unusual length of the song is more due to the complexity of the lyric than anything offered by the form. Like Cohen, Dylan prefers simple, uncomplicated melodies and harmonies as a vehicle for his outstandingly poignant text.
The lyric itself deserves its own close analysis, but to summarize, “Like a Rolling Stone” tells the story of a rich woman, “Miss Lonely”, who falls on hard times (“How does it feel/ To be without a home/ Like a complete unknown…“). The lyrics are at times cynical (“Now you don’t seem so proud…”), and at other times sympathetic (“When you got nothing, you got nothing to lose…”). And for certain, they were groundbreaking, innovative material for hit songs of their day.
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