The Home Of Bob Dylan Minneapolis, Minnesota September 1960

Red Rosey Bush (trad.)
Johnny I Hardly Knew You (trad.)
Jesus Christ (Woody Guthrie)
Streets Of Glory (trad.)
K.C. Moan (1927 Memphis Jug Band)
Blues Yodel No. 8 (Jimmie Rodgers - G. Vaughan)
I'm A Gambler (trad.)
Talking Columbia (Woody Guthrie)
Talking Merchant Marine (Woody Guthrie)
Talking Hugh Brown
Talking Inflation (Tom Glazer)
Come See Jerusalem (trad.)
San Francisco Bay Blues (Jesse Fuller)

Bob Dylan (vocal & guitar).


Oh that guy McKenzie. I like it. I'll do a couple of verses. Sing that whole file if you want me to do it. This is a Woody Guthrie song. (after Red Rosey Bush).
Cynthia: Do "Talking Lobbyist".
A guy: Yeah, yeah. Do "Talking Lobbyist". That’s a good song.
Dylan: Ahh. It’s not that good. It’s a... I gotta do a ... I can’t do a... I can’t do a Talkin’ if we’re on the tape recorder without... It has to be Woody Guthrie. (almost to himself) It has to be Woody Guthrie.
Cynthia: Do "Talking Lobbyist".
Dylan never stops playing guitar throughout the following dialog. He starts Guthrie's Talking Columbia and almost finishes the first verse before...
Unknown person: Yeee-hah! Girl laughs.
Dylan: Get
Dylan shifts the lyrics over to Guthrie's "Talking Merchant Marine". He almost gets through the 2nd verse before Cynthia shouts out something.
Dylan: Screw YOU Cynthia. And all you (????).
Dylan sings the 3rd verse relatively uninterrupted. Right before the 4th verse Cynthia tries to sing something, parodying him. Dylan ignores her and sings the verse, but in the middle of the last line Cynthia shouts out something.
Dylan: Screw YOU Cynthia. (chuckles)
Cynthia again starts singing a few lines of something, parodying the Talkin' Blues format, ending with "Screw ya!".
Dylan: I said screw YOU. (almost laughing). I'm not done yet. (laughs)
He sings the 5th verse (the song has 7), with Cynthia still randomly calling things out.
Dylan: You're gonna get played right in the (????) tonight if you don't shut your God Damn mouth. (Laughter from the room). Split you right in half.
He strums a few more bars, then stops playing abruptly.
Dylan; Aw hell, I can't do it.
Cynthia: Do "Talking Lobbyist".

Recorded by Cleve Pettersen at Bob Dylan’s apartment on 15th Avenue S.E. He donated his original tape to the Minnesota Historical Society
Library in 2004.
Bonnie Beecher and Cynthia Fisher were also there. Cynthia was a sorority sister of Bonnie's who played banjo and performed with Dylan in the Fall of 1960.
Talking Inflation is also known as Talking Lobbyist.
This recording has been circulating as the Minnesota Party Tape or The Red Rosey Bush Tape.

Private communication from Mick McLaughlin.

Official release
7 released as Rambler, Gambler on THE BOOTLEG SERIES VOL 7. NO DIRECTION HOME: THE SOUNDTRACK, Columbia Legacy CD 520358 2, 30 August 2005.

Private mono recording, 35 minutes.

Session info updated 25 March 2011.


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